What’s the first step to ensuring your voter contact mail and mobile advertising is seen?
Picking the right universe.
That’s something we specialize in doing.
With over 18 years of experience, we’ve honed our precise data targeting to ensure your voter contact mail gets in the right hands. Combine our data experience with our unique technology license, and we will also ensure your mobile advertising campaign is seen by the right voters’ eyes.
How do you target voters?
What universes should you pick for your voter contact mail and mobile advertising campaigns?
How can you use microtargeting, ID and modeling data to target your message?
Let’s break it down.
There are two types of targeted universes in political campaign advertising:
1. Primary universe
In a Republican primary election, we typically look at delivering political mailers and mobile advertising to a universe comprised of likely and very likely GOP primary voters and their households.
A “likely” voter is one who has typically voted in either of the last two Republican primary elections.
A “very likely” voter is one who has typically voted in both of the last two Republican primary elections.
Once we have our primary universe selected, we can further target voters based on microtargeting data, ID data and modeling to create subsets that focus exclusively on social conservatives, pro-2nd Amendment rights voters, fiscal conservatives, and more.
2. General universe
In the general election universe, we break down data into two subsections – the general swing and the general turnout universes.
Independent voters or those who modeled as swing or “soft” Democrats who voted in either of the last two general elections will make up a typical general swing universe. In short, we target the most persuadable voters.
As with our primary universe, we can create subsets of the general swing universe and specifically target voter contact mail and mobile advertising to seniors, social conservatives, pro-2nd Amendment voters, those who oppose Obamacare, fiscal conservatives and more.
We can even target swing voters with mail and mobile advertising in the TV markets where a campaign won’t be buying ads on the broadcast networks.
In the turnout universe, we turn our attention to Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents, focusing on those who don’t consistently vote in every general election.
Whether it’s a primary or general universe, we also take the extra step to create two distinct subsets of voters – those who vote early or absentee and those who vote on Election Day.
Using past vote history, we can help campaigns target their political direct mail and mobile advertising to a voter who is more likely to vote early or absentee and a different voter who is more likely to vote on Election Day.
Creating those kinds of detailed subsets allows us to deliver mail and mobile ads to early voters early – up to seven to ten days before we mail Election Day voters.