We Build Communities
One Person at a Time
Communities of real people who share a common interest in your issue.
Communities where civic responsibility grows with deeper knowledge and better understanding.
Communities that motivate action.
Your Community may be statewide, in a legislative district, or anywhere it makes sense to accomplish your goals.
Wherever it is, it will be populated by real individuals who are eager to hear from you.

How Do We Build Your Community?
It Starts With a Detailed Blueprint.
- We immerse our expert Architects in the nuances of your issue in order to develop a comprehensive strategy.
- Data and analytics guide us to prospective individuals to join your Community.
- An awareness campaign builds COMMUNITY FOLLOWERS around the ideas, attributes, and amenities that make your Community attractive.

Community Followers Become
Community Engagers
- Sharing persuasive ideas and facts leads to a two-way dialogue, creating COMMUNITY ENGAGERS.
- From there we activate COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS…individuals who become an active voice for their fellow citizens at a townhall meeting, on a phone call, by eagerly emailing candidates or sending letters to elected officials.
The end result?
A Community willing to roll up their sleeves and get the job done – for you!

We never forget your Community is comprised of real individuals and not some game to be turned on and off.
They can and will leave if ignored, abused, or lose interest because engagement wanes or content becomes stale.
A vibrant Community has constant outreach, continually makes improvements, and provides purpose for its citizens.
You provide the purpose and we build the Community … one person at a time.
Meet Your Architects

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