At Majority Strategies, we treat Election Day like a holiday. We celebrate our clients’ wins and our team’s hard work.
‘Tis the season in today’s #MeetMajority to ask the team about some of their favorite holiday traditions, gifts and memories.
The most memorable gift you’ve received?
“My parents surprised me with a trip to Disney one year.”
“My engagement ring.”
“I got a baseball signed by Mickey Mantle when I was 8.”
“A sports car experience where I got to drive a Ferrari and a Lamborghini.”
“My grandfather’s vintage watch.”
“My boyfriend got me a beautiful necklace and carriage ride to our dinner reservations.”
And the most memorable gift you’ve given?
“I named a star for someone.”
“Last Christmas I knit blankets for my family. They were so surprised!”
“My wife and I put together a ‘date night package’ for our friends. It included 12 creative dates, one for each month of the year.”
“For my dad’s 50th birthday, I collected people’s memories and photos of my dad starting at childhood. I made a book out of them, and he cried. I won.”
“Gifts” come in all shapes and sizes, as proven by how we can use that theme in a variety of voter contact mail and targeted mobile ads, like this direct mail piece:
Take a look at some other examples of our voter contact mail and our targeted mobile ads.
Precise data targeting.
Powerful creative.
That’s our gift.
Have You Read These #MeetMajority Posts?
Top Dogs: Meet some of the members of the Majority Strategies furry family.
Music to Our Ears: The songs that make our mail and mobile sing.
Our First Jobs: The good, the bad and the messy.