It’s been nearly a year since Aaron Whitehead joined the Majority Strategies team.
We wanted to give everyone a chance to learn a little more about our Texas State Director in today’s #MeetMajority.
You’ve spent some time of the campaign trail. When was your best day?
That’s an easy one. The day of the 2010 Republican Primary when Rick Perry won. The feeling of hard work paying off is indescribable. I’ll never forget that day.
What motivates you and keeps you going?
I thrive in the craziness of campaign season, and a fear of losing keeps me focused and performing my best.
What’s the toughest lesson you’ve ever learned?
To listen more and speak less. It’s definitely something I’m still learning every day.
Describe your greatest accomplishment.
The life I’ve built with my family. Marrying my wife, Erin, and being a father to my two children, Ellie and Cash, are the things I’m most proud of.
How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?
Persistent, loyal and funny. (I hope.)
Let’s talk Texas. What’s your favorite thing about where you live?
It’s Texas … what’s not to love? The cheese enchiladas are phenomenal – another perk of living in the Lone Star State.
What’s on your bucket list?
Traveling to Fiji with my wife – and without a cell phone.
Speaking of technology, what app can’t you live without?
Waze. It’s a traffic and navigation app with real-time updates. Total lifesaver when you’re traveling.
And finally, why Majority Strategies?
The moment I walked into the office I just knew it was the place I wanted to be. The team is the smartest and most talented one I’ve ever been a part of, and I truly believe we are the best at what we do. There are no egos, just a collective drive to deliver winning results for our clients.
Get in touch with Aaron today to get started – or get a cheese enchilada.
Learn More About the Majority Strategies Team:
#MeetMajority: What Makes Us H(app)y
#MeetMajority: What Motivates Us
#MeetMajority: Top Dogs