“With all this talk of saving the GOP and condemning Trump, the challengers themselves have been attacked with similar language. Brett Buerck, CEO of conservative consulting firm Majority Strategies, told Fortune the candidates are merely ‘three individuals with a history of self-serving opportunism’ who ‘really don’t represent the Republican party.’” Read more.
“These partisan politics are still very much alive, however. As CEO of GOP consulting firm Majority Strategies Brett Buerck said, ‘the Pelosi impeachment scheme has awoken Republicans, enraging them in many cases.’ ‘When the story of 2020 is eventually written, I’m confident we’ll owe a debt of gratitude to House Democrats,’ he told Fortune. ‘Their behavior is likely to have a dramatically positive impact on our turnout operations.’” Read more.
“’We would like to see uniform standards across all platforms so that voters actually know who’s paying for it,’ [Kammerdiener] said. ‘I want to make sure that we have a situation where people can count on the information that they’re getting.’” Read more.
“’It’s the Wild West in digital advertising when it comes to political campaigns,’ Kammerdiener, whose firm remains close to GOP leaders in Ohio, said in an interview. ‘I think ultimately the American public is the loser, because they’ll quickly figure out that they can’t trust anything.’” Read more.
“While Democrats are clearly worried about the jump the Trump campaign has on them in digital tech, Republicans are ecstatic. Trump’s re-election quest ‘will be the most sophisticated data-driven campaign we’ve ever seen,’ Reid Vineis, vice president for digital operations at Majority Strategies, a Republican consulting firm, told me.” Read more.
Digital video has been transformative in our industry. It’s allowed campaigns to use the video format, the most persuasive, without needing the big bucks for television. Instead, campaigns can target specific audiences, reaching more people at a reduced cost and protecting precious advertising dollars. Read more.
“But Twitter is also not a massive player in the online ad sphere. A duopoly of Facebook and Google gets the majority of online ad spending, and Amazon is trying to muscle its way into that group, per a report released earlier this year by eMarketer. ‘Twitter is one piece of the advertising ecosystem for political campaigns and there are numerous platforms for candidates and elected officials to reach voters,’ Reid Vineis, the vice president of digital at the Republican firm Majority Strategies, said in an email to Score. ‘Twitter’s decision is unfortunate, but not fatal for political advertisers.’” Read more.
“’They are running a highly sophisticated operation,’ Reid Vineis, vice president for digital at Republican ad-buying firm Majority Strategies, said of the Trump operation. ‘The Trump campaign has been essentially building a database for the 2020 general election.’ Of particular value: The campaign’s collection of mobile phone numbers. ‘Politics is much more effective at a one-to-one level,’ Vineis said. ‘Text messages are read almost 100% of the time. The Trump campaign’s accumulation of all this text-messaging data gives them a direct line to voters.’” Read more.
“’Advertisers will have to adjust, but it’s not a fatal blow,’ said Reid Vineis, president of digital at the election- and advocacy-focused agency Majority Strategies. ‘Frankly, I just don’t think Twitter was earning that much political ad spend as the other major platforms—like Facebook and Google—to begin with.’” Read more.
“’Advertising dollars follow eyeballs. So while campaigns will have to adjust to these new rules, Google’s platforms are still effective for reaching voters online,’ said Reid Vineis, vice president of conservative digital ad-buying firm Majority Strategies. ‘It is unlikely that this change would hurt Google’s political advertising revenue.’” Read more.
“’Some candidates can afford to do large campaigns that reach broad swaths of voters,’ said Ashley O’Rourke, director of analytics and audience insights at the conservative advertising firm Majority Strategies. ‘But most campaigns have very finite resources.’ But the political media mix could shift dramatically based on a candidate’s natural constituency or how much a campaign budgets for paid media, O’Rourke said.” Read more.
Please direct all media inquiries to Majority Strategies Communications Director Sarah Anderson.