advocacy data elections

Issue Spotlight Education

In today’s #StrategySession, the Majority Strategies data team shares insights into audiences of voters and constituents created specifically to the issue of education.

We saw it in Virginia. We saw it in Ohio. Iowa. Pennsylvania. Colorado.

Education is a top deciding issue for voters across the country, and many 2022 candidates will continue to weigh into the debate over what curriculum is taught in schools, critical race theory, and the role of parents in the education system.

In today’s #StrategySession, the Majority Strategies data team shares insights into audiences of voters and constituents created specifically to the issue of education.

What We Can Look at
Data points related to education include those who:

  • Support or oppose public school funding;
  • Support or oppose school choice;
  • Support or oppose canceling student debt;
  • Are parents of school-age children; and
  • Are teachers/educators.

Those data points plus others allow our data team to create audiences of voters that could range from conservative parents who are only somewhat likely to turn out to vote in the 2022 election or those who strongly support school choice and are known political activists who can be urged to voice their support to their elected officials.

Mid/Low Propensity Conservative Parents

There are over 10.6 million registered voters across the U.S. who are strong conservatives with school-age children who are only somewhat or unlikely to vote in 2022.

This is a prime audience for turnout-focused digital advertising and direct mail.

Approximately 52% of this audience are men, 30% are college-educated, and 43% did not vote in the 2020 general election.

School Choice Supporting Activists

Majority Strategies has identified over 8.6 million registered voters who are strong supporters of school choice and are likely to take an online or offline action.

65% of this audience are women and 47% are parents.

This is a prime audience for an activation campaign aimed at contacting elected officials and voicing support or opposition to a specific issue, such as critical race theory and school curriculum.

Contact the Majority Strategies team today for full insights into these audiences and similar district-specific audiences.