Reid Vineis, Vice President of Digital, recently authored an article in Campaigns & Elections highlighting the steps to creating an authentic and engaging video strategy:
“It’s no surprise video has become the preferred method for candidates and campaigns to share their message with voters. By 2022, 82 percent of all online traffic will be video. That’s up from 75 percent in 2017, according to research by Cisco. The combination of sight, sound, and motion in video engage users at much higher rates than standard text or pictures alone.
“President Trump’s post of an edited clip of a CNN logo being body slammed in a wrestling ring generated over 39 million views, while video of Beto O’Rourke skateboarding helped put him in the national spotlight.
“As video content has grown, so too have opportunities to share them. Campaigns can share video on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, over-the-top TV, text, and in-app on mobile devices. The list goes on and on.
“But with so many ways to build and distribute video content, where should campaigns focus their resources? How do you create an authentic and engaging video strategy that resonates with your targeted audience?”