
Everyone Has Been There.

You know “there” … That place where you can’t believe what just happened, happened. A few weeks ago, it was…

You know “there” … That place where you can’t believe what just happened, happened.

A few weeks ago, it was my turn to be “there.”

At 10:30 in the morning, I found myself with a broken-down car. 

On a busy interstate highway.

In the middle lane.

In the middle of a torrential downpour. 

You can’t make that up.

There were many, many unhappy people stuck behind me in the traffic I’d created. 

But I don’t know that any of them were having as bad a day as I was in that moment.

As I was pushing my car over to the shoulder, three guys came out of nowhere and helped me.

Still raining.

But no longer stuck in the middle.

I don’t know what their names are. In the mess and muck and manic desire to just get out of everyone’s way, no one asked each other.

I’ll probably never see them again either, and they helped me out more than they’ll ever know.

It dawned on me that morning.

Everyone needs help from time to time.

For some, help is a tow truck.

Others need help righting a campaign that has lost its direction, message or sense of urgency. 

When that happens, call us – we can help.

Problems will arise that you never anticipated.

We’ve anticipated them. 

We’ve been doing this for decades, on thousands of campaigns, at every level and in every single state. 

We have seen every conceivable problem, and we know how to fix them all.

When your campaign faces problems your current vendors can’t fix, don’t try to push the campaign over the finish line by yourself. 

Call us. Email us.

Reach out, and we’ll be here.

We’ll get your campaign back on the road and headed in the right direction. 

We’ll get you where you need to go.

And we’ll be sure your voters know your name.