
30 Days to Go.

Election Day will be here before you know it. In less than 30 days, voters will head to the polls…

Election Day will be here before you know it.

In less than 30 days, voters will head to the polls – if they haven’t voted already.

Have they heard your message? Do they know your name?

Have they made their decision?

Are they planning to vote? Will they vote early or on Election Day?

Here are five goals every campaign should focus on to persuade voters ahead of Election Day:

1. Build name ID and favor among voters.

It’s important that voters know your name – you need them to remember yours amongst all the other names on the ballot.

Most mail plans start with a bio piece, specifically designed to introduce you as the best person for the job. Headshots and family photos are often included so families can put a face to the name, bridging the gap between candidate and voter.

Targeted mobile advertising can also boost name ID and favorables. It did for Speaker John Boehner during the 2014 primary election. The Boehner campaign targeted working women with a two-week mobile advertising flight. Prior to the flight, Speaker Boehner’s fav/unfav was 52-40 (+12.) After the flight, Speaker Boehner’s favorables skyrocketed to +49 – 72-22.

2. Share your experience.

Voters need to know where you’ve been in order to trust where you’re going. Direct mail, videos and mobile advertising can all highlight your experience – as a business owner, a parent, a school board member – and your dedication to your community.

3. Make clear your stance on issues.

Issue-based voter contact advertising is used to position you or your candidate as the leader voters can trust. From job creation and the economy to education and healthcare, these ads tell voters where you stand and how you plan to take action. Microtargeting and modeling data can ensure your focused message reaches the right audience.

4. Define your opponent before they define you.

Whether contrast or attack, giving voters a reason to vote against your opponent can be just as helpful as giving them a reason to vote for you. When done right, contrast and attack mail and mobile advertising is often the most memorable.

5. Get out the vote.

This last step is crucial. Persuading is Step One; motivating is Step Two. In the weeks leading up to the election, voter contact advertising can encourage absentee and early voting as well as turn out Election Day voters on the day of. One study concluded that GOTV increased voter turnout by approximately 7 percentage points.

*** An important part of turnout is reaching your voters. Make the most of your digital budget and ensure your ads are being seen. In addition to our commitment to viewability, we’ve also worked to secure top quality inventory ahead of Election Day. Through private marketplace deals, we have access to inventory on some of the most visited sites, including Drudge Report, USA Today, Yahoo, Fox, Time, AOL, Hearst, NY Times, Daily Caller and Economist. Ask your digital vendor if they can integrate directly with publishers; then call us. If you want to turn out voters, you need your ads to be delivered on today’s top apps and sites.

We have less than 30 days to Election Day.

Don’t waste another day before getting started.

Ready to Learn More?

TV vs. Mobile: Where are voters tuning in?

Get the Most Out of Mobile: 5 Answers We Need

Voter Contact Mail: 6 Red Flags to Avoid