Overused. Overrated.
Underused. Underrated.
Welcome to the world of fonts and the challenge of selecting the right font and font pairing.
In this #AskaDesigner, the Majority Strategies creative team weighs in on which fonts they believe make the list as either overused and overrated or underused and underrated.
“I’m a huge fan of ITC Serif Gothic and wish I saw it more. It makes glorious headlines and titles and can feel anything from frightening to funky and most of the feels in between.”
– Morgan
“Bodoni is an elegant serif with really nice contrast in the letterforms. Would I layout paragraphs of copy with it? Probably not.”
– Eric
“Mrs. Eaves has so many variants and ligatures, making it diverse in its use without straying to a different typeface altogether.”
– Bec
“Didot, a classic beautiful serif developed in the 1800s, is underrated.”
– Kim
“Futura is underrated. It has made it to the moon, people have written books about it, and you see it everywhere. It is clean and modern, hence its name, Futura.”
– Amanda E.
“In my opinion, Helvetica is overused. There has even been a movie made about it.”
– James
“Arial and Times New Roman are everywhere. You often see one or the other in documents or emails or self-designed logos.”
– Erin
“Helvetica is a great font, but I think it is overused, and better sans serif fonts have been created in the time since.”
– Kim
“While Helvetica is an amazing typeface and one of my favorites, I do believe it was overused for some time. That said, it may make a comeback and compete with fonts like Roboto. As serif and script fonts are coming more into style, people are looking for more ‘interesting’ san serifs to use for body copy. That has led to fonts like Raleway being a bit overused.”
– Shelby
Learn more before you go.
#AskaDesigner:How to Make a Goof Font Impression
#AskaDesigner:Color Spaces Explained
#AskaDesigner:To Sarif or Not to Sarif