Coming in at #1 in our countdown of the Best of the Blog 2019 is our introduction of Majority Money, a comprehensive fund-raising solution that combines the full-circle power of superior data, unique creative, and streamlined production to solicit donations from every angle and build a profitable coalition of donors.
“2018 set new records for political ad spending – 17% more than 2016 and 78% more than the 2014 midterms. The traditional fund-raising model used widely today relies on a fund-raiser’s list of high-profile contacts and a narrow toolset with which to communicate with them. The plan is almost exclusively focused on those contacts. But what if those donors don’t give? Opportunities are being lost.That’s the problem with fund-raising today. It relies more on who the fund-raiser knows rather than the candidate and his or her relationships, issue stances and beliefs, and experience. It’s further limited by that outdated, narrow toolset and data that is either limited or goes underutilized or both. If we don’t do something today, even top-of-the-ticket candidates won’t be able to raise the funds that are required to win in today’s political arena. We have the solution.”