For decades, the television has been Americans’ “first screen.”
Now there are 196.7 million smartphone users nationwide, and mobile addiction is an actual “thing.”
Americans spend over 3 hours a day texting, talking, scrolling and surfing on their smartphones – relying on them for everything, from news to entertainment.
We’d argue mobile is the new first screen.
Now that doesn’t mean Americans have turned off the tube altogether, not by a long shot.
But “traditional” TV viewership has been decreasing since its peak about six years ago, and “non-traditional” viewing that pairs TV with another device has been on the rise.
TV advertisers have always fought to hold viewers’ attention through commercial breaks, but with the rise of mobile, it’s a losing battle. Studies show marked peaks in mobile phone usage during commercial breaks.
We all do it.
As soon as that first commercial appears on our TV screen, we reach for our mobile devices (assuming we put them down in the first place) to get the breaking news, check in on the game or see what our friends are up to.
In fact, 82% of Americans report using their mobile devices while watching TV.
32% are surfing the web. 16% are playing games.
Campaigns today can’t afford to miss that chance to deliver their message.
Mobile advertising done right seizes on the opportunity to deliver targeted ads to voters while they’re on the devices they use repeatedly throughout the day, every day.
Use it to your advantage.
Mobile Advertising Is Changing the Political Game:
#Mobile101: Not All Impressions Are Equal
Illuminating the Way: Mobile Ad Targeting
Mobile Killed the TV Star: Eyes Are Shifting to Mobile