Happy New Year!
We’ve spent the last few days of 2016 counting down the Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2016.
Which post came in at #1?
Let’s find out.
#10: Majority Mail Call – The Flat.
The flat is an 8.5×11 with no folds and plenty of space to spare. These large voter contact mail pieces have some advantages and disadvantages, but we have worked flats into our mail plans for many years with success. READ MORE
#9: Apples to Apples
As if mobile advertising wasn’t confusing enough, here we come with a whole new way to bill … messages. What’s a would-be advertiser supposed to do? How do you know what you’re getting? What’s better? What should you be paying for? Oh my. Let’s start with the basics. READ MORE
#8: New Digs
Most of us here at Majority Strategies cut our teeth in the campaign world. We grew up working in our candidate’s t-shirt, our favorite pair of jeans and sneakers. We spent countless hours in dusty campaign offices, decorated with candy bar wrappers and empty Coke cans, maybe a few beer bottles mixed in between the legs of all the folding tables and computer cords. These were offices built for efficiency, not looks. When we moved into our new digs in 2015, we took what worked and ditched what didn’t. READ MORE
#7: Reserved for Mobile
Campaigns start with a full buffet of tactics – and unnecessary temptations – in front of them and their budgets. The best campaigns, the winning campaigns, know how to pass over those bad soups, pick out the best appetizer, and move straight down the line to the entrees that will fill their campaign with proven, winning methods of delivering their message to voters. What are some of those entrees? READ MORE
#6: It’s All About the Majority
It was a little over a year ago that we announced Campaign Hunter. It was a simple premise, really. Bring together operatives with opportunities. Help those starting their careers, just as we all need a helping hand at the start of ours. It worked. We have proudly helped hundreds of operatives start their journeys or take their next steps while placing talented professionals on campaigns and political organizations across the country. READ MORE
#5: Election Day
In the last 100 days, our team has been hard at work on behalf of the hundreds of campaigns and clients we are proud to have worked with this cycle. Now we’re here. Election Day. READ MORE
#4: Mail – An Oldie But a Goodie
The classics have stood the test of time… The Beatles. The Rolling Stones. To Kill a Mocking Bird. A Tale of Two Cities. White Christmas. Casablanca. And with good reason. They are indelible marks on our culture, preserved on vinyl, bound by leather or archived on film. And mail? It’s just another oldie but goodie. Mail still matters. READ MORE
#3: Tune in to Mobile
Mobile usage has outpaced TV viewership, running ahead as Americans’ first screen. No one would argue that TV is going to disappear, but the reality is, more and more people are turning to their mobile devices and missing the ads traditionally run on broadcast and cable television. Netflix subscribers miss 160 hours of TV ads annually. The 2009-2010 season was the peak for traditional TV viewership, and Americans have nearly as many smartphones as TVs today. Even those watching TV are keeping an eye on their mobile devices at the same time. What does that mean for today’s campaigns? READ MORE
#2: Avoid These Six Red Flags
Majority Strategies was born from the idea that we could do things better. We could target better – reaching the right people with the right message. We could produce better – faster, more efficient and more cost effective. We could write better – witty where appropriate, serious as needed. We could design better – moving away from the cliché red, white and blue to the full spectrum of colors, design and attention to detail that are the hallmarks of “traditional” advertising. In 20 years, you learn a lot about mail. Here are our 6 Red Flags to Avoid to Create Better Voter Contact Mail. READ MORE
And …
Our most popular blog post of 2016 is:
#1: I Have No Patience for Useless Things.
As fans of the show anxiously anticipating Friday’s House of Cards Season 4 premiere, we’ve looked back at some of Frank Underwood’s best words of wisdom and applied them to our world of voter contact mail and targeted mobile advertising. READ MORE
What’s to come in 2017?
More #mobile101.
We’ll share the trends and predictions, plus case studies and best practices to share to ensure you get the most out of your mobile advertising.
More #mailmatters.
It does, and we’ll be talking about the ways you can make your direct mail stand out in the mailbox, including unique folds, specialty diecuts and creativity.
More resources.
We’ll have plenty of “How to’s” to share with you, as our strategists share their knowledge and experience persuading and motivating people into action.
More tech.
We have much to share in 2017 on the technology side of things, including exciting developments in how we capture the mobiles devices of people you need to be talking to.
More travel.
Join our #roadwarriors on the road as we crisscross the nation, post photos from our trips and share what all those miles have taught us.
To 2017 –