
You’ve Got to Know How to Fold ’em.

Over the years, we have written, designed, and produced a variety of different mail sizes and folds, from the standard…

Over the years, we have written, designed, and produced a variety of different mail sizes and folds, from the standard 5.5×10.5 postcard to the larger 10.5×11 singlefold or 10.5×17 crossfold or trifold.

With most of those standard-sized pieces, it is pretty easy to identify “what’s what” on a PDF. You can see the cover. You can see the inside. You can visualize what’s happening.

The trickiest piece? The barrel fold.

These barrel folds truly stand out in the mailbox and make for memorable messaging for voters who are drawn into the pieces fold by fold by fold, but seeing a barrel fold set up for print in a basic PDF can be a bit of a head scratcher.

We thought, “There has to be a better way to showcase how these barrel folds work.”

And there is …

Welcome to Majority Strategies Mail – a showcase of some of our favorite pieces at various sizes, including that head scratcher of a barrel fold.

We hope you enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed making it.