What are you looking for?
Search engine marketing is an important part of an overall digital strategy to increase your visibility and reach.
The Majority Strategies digital team weighs in with their experience on what SEM can do for you.
What is SEM?
Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to paid search ads on Google. These text ads appear at the top of Google’s search engine results page when a person types in specific keywords, such as “realtor near me” or “where to buy insurance.”
Is SEM the same as SEO?
No. SEM is different from search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is a process of optimizing websites to show up organically in search queries.
Does SEM work?
SEM is very effective at driving sales and targeting people who are already searching for, interested in, and in need of your product or service.
Who benefits most from SEM?
SEM is best for companies looking to sell products or services to consumers, particularly professional services such as insurance, real estate or mortgage, legal, and accounting. These industries have enough market size to afford the cost per acquisition.
What should you budget for SEM?
SEM budgets are driven by search volume. The Majority Strategies team can provide you with a forecast and monthly budget and duration.
Majority Strategies has delivered more than 7 billion digital impressions to date. Contact our team today to get started on building your digital advertising plan.