digital elections

Twitter’s Back

In 2019, Twitter instituted a ban on most advertising by political campaigns and advocacy groups on its platform. Last week, Twitter announced they are dropping the ban and allowing political and cause-based ads to return.

In 2019, Twitter instituted a ban on most advertising by political campaigns and advocacy groups on its platform. Last week, Twitter announced they are dropping the ban and allowing political and cause-based ads to return. Details are yet to be announced.

It looks like Twitter’s back …

Details are light right now, but we know a few things.

First, it’s never bad to have an additional advertising option to deliver your message. The details to come of Twitter’s reversal, including their ad specifics and targeting and data capabilities, will determine a lot of how effective a medium it may be in the future.

Second, whatever Twitter’s ad policy looks like yesterday, today, or tomorrow, successful campaigns require an omni-channel solution that delivers the right message at the right time to the right people.

No one medium can deliver everything.

Not Twitter.

Not Google.

Not Facebook.

“With usage up and political and advocacy advertisers allowed back on the platform, there is a good reason to add Twitter into your 2023 media mix – but advertising on Twitter alone won’t solve all your problems.  Channel diversification is still a necessity.”
– Justin Hacker, Majority Strategies

When Twitter’s ban was originally announced, it didn’t mean much for campaigns. Twitter had never been the ideal platform for delivering a targeted, persuasive message to a specific audience of voters, as shown in their falling political ad sales prior to the ban.

Majority Strategies is an omni-channel provider. We worship at the altar of data. That means we’ll always choose the right medium (or mediums) to deliver our clients’ messages and help them solve their problems based on quantifiable metrics.

That may now include Twitter. It may not.

Time will tell.

Learn more from the Majority Strategies team. Contact us today to get started.