
#MeetMajority: ‘Tis the (Football) Season!

The much-anticipated change in season means cooler weather, earlier sunsets and Election Days, but autumn also heralds the start of…

The much-anticipated change in season means cooler weather, earlier sunsets and Election Days, but autumn also heralds the start of another magnificent season.

Football season. 

The Majority Strategies team lives for fall. With alma maters crossing the country, we’ve created many friendly rivalries within the office.

We might not agree on the best college football team, but we all play on one team for our clients as champions in the political advertising arena.

From start to finish, getting the work done is a team sport. A project manager translates the client’s needs into a game plan. The copywriters run with the ball before handing the project off to the graphic designers and back to the project managers.

Play after play, we keep our eyes on the goal line and the “W” for our clients on Election Day.

In this edition of #MeetMajority, we asked,

”What makes Majority Strategies a great team?”

“If a client requests a last-minute change, everyone stays until the job gets done.”

“Mobile flights include many ads within one project. Designers split up the workflow by delegating one person to start at the bottom of the ad list and another person to start at the top. From there we work toward each other, designing ads until the job is complete.“ 

“One person doesn’t necessarily work on a project from start to finish. If changes need to be made, whoever is available volunteers to make them. Communication is key.”

“When we’re in season and there are many projects going on simultaneously, we don’t drop the ball. We help each other stay focused.”

“Fresh eyes are always important when proofing a final direct mail piece or mobile ad. It’s critical to have a solid team backing you up and keeping each other in check.”

After 18 years leading the political advertising industry, we’ve earned our winning record.

We don’t even need a home field advantage – we’ve joined clients’ teams in all 50 states.

The Majority Strategies team is ready for another great campaign and football season.

Are you?

Contact us today and put us in the game.
