Brands rule the world.
From catchy jingles to trademark scents to logos recognizable by young and old, we are bombarded by brands day in and day out.
Heck, there’s even a logo board game on the market.
It is estimated that the average person living in an urban area sees up to 5,000 advertising messages per day, compared to 2,000 just three decades ago.
Only a small portion of those brands become instantly recognizable.
Do you recognize these brands?
Click through and test yourself.
To get recognized, you need to have both art and presence.
That’s the trick.
A study conducted earlier this year asked 85 UCLA students to draw Apple’s logo from memory. Only one student was successful.
After taking their experiment to New York City – and getting similar results – the researchers drew this conclusion:
“Our brains have learned it is not important to remember specific details. An efficient memory system does not need to store the details of a corporate logo.”
So while we connect logos with products, our brains are storing the bigger picture, not necessarily the specific details required to recreate them perfectly ourselves.
The political world is just as cluttered, a jumble of names and offices and promises.
The challenge becomes this:
How do we create a memorable logo?
How do we write and design ads to stand out?
How do we deliver a message and connect with voters in an impactful and memorable way?
The answer:
Over 18 years of experience, an exceptional creative team and state-of-the-art technology.
At Majority Strategies, we treat every political candidate like a distinct brand and create logos to match.
We took the researchers’ challenge to our own creative team and tested their memories on some of the logos we’ve created over the years.
Here’s how they did:
Standout logos.
Memorable mail and mobile.
That’s our brand.
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