It was a little over a year ago that we announced Campaign Hunter. It was a simple premise, really.
Bring together operatives with opportunities.
Help those starting their careers, just as we all need a helping hand at the start of ours.
It worked.
We have proudly helped hundreds of operatives start their journeys or take their next steps while placing talented professionals on campaigns and political organizations across the country.
It’s a win-win.
We soon realized, though, that campaigns weren’t where the trail ended.
For many operatives, the trail winds back and forth, from campaigns to official staffs, back to a campaign and then on to advocacy organizations, nonprofits and the like.
The one thread that weaves through those careers? Connections.
Today, we are proud to make a big announcement about Campaign Hunter …
Meet Majority Hunter.
It’s a small name change with a big meaning.
As Campaign Hunter grew, we quickly realized that for every job seeker and every employer, it’s about the majority.
- The majority of votes on election day
- The majority support in the state legislature
- The majority of public opinion
Majority Hunter.
It’s bigger – now including job opportunities on the campaign trail and off, in advocacy and official staffs.
It’s better – a more robust site that improves the experience for both job seekers and employers, provides more information, tips and strategies and more easily connects operatives with opportunities.
It’s Majority Hunter.
Head there now and spend some time looking around.
You’ll find:
- job opportunities
- internships
- events
- resume tips and templates
- campaign tips and strategies
- and much more.
Take a look and let us know what you think.