
ICYMI: Can You Compete Without TV

Our client for State Representative faced under 40 name ID and single digit ballot support. Could we compete and win…

Our client for State Representative faced under 40 name ID and single digit ballot support.

Could we compete and win on Election Day without going on the air?

We’ll walk you through what we did and the results in today’s #StrategySession.

Through the primary, we targeted the mailboxes district wide at

1) households with voters who had voted in four of the last four elections;

2) households with voters who voted in five of the last five elections; or

3) households with voters who voted in three of the last five elections.

(A similar direct mail plan was implemented during the runoff, with the addition of targeted universes of Republicans and Independents.)

Similar district wide universes of voters were targeted with five flights of mobile advertising, including tight, wide and targeted universes ranging from 5/5 voters to 3/3 runoff election voters.

All told, approximately 4,000 voters viewed over 1,123,000 impressions.

THE RESULTS: Remember, our client started with under 40 name ID and single digit ballot support and spent $0 on TV through both the primary and the runoff.

THE PRIMARY: Our client won the primary with over 41% of the vote, including over 40% of the early vote.

THE RUNOFF: Our client won the election with over 64% of the vote, including over 64% of the early vote.

Our client was outspent in total, including a $0 vs. $10,000 expenditure on TV advertising by the opponent.

THE TAKEAWAY: It’s not necessarily how much you spend – it’s where you spend it and how effectively you target voters with limited finances. Our targeting made the difference here, ensuring our client’s message was seen by the right voters at the right time to overwhelmingly win the early vote in both the primary and runoff elections.

For the full case study and a discussion with our strategists, get started with us today here.