A typical day in an ad firm like Majority Strategies includes many hours of screen time using various computer programs and applications to write and design our voter contact mail and mobile advertising.
The opportunity to do something organic and tactile is an ideal way for many on our creative team to unwind and stay inspired.
In this week’s #AskaDesigner, we asked our team, “What is your favorite creative medium?”
For some, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel … the pottery wheel, that is.
“My favorite creative medium is clay. I love getting my hands dirty and how the clay feels when it’s moving. It’s very relaxing, almost meditative. I look forward to experimenting and seeing the results.”
Our creative teams’ projects are sparked by inspiration but often morph into something completely unexpected …
The clay pitcher becomes a plate.
The photograph of a child becomes a memory.
And therein lays the beauty of creativity.
Experience working in different creative mediums helps Majority Strategies designers like Bec and Karley bring a real-world look to our print and mobile designs.
“Photography has always been my creative outlet. It gives me the opportunity to capture emotion and project a message that inspires the observer to feel changed, which is my ultimate goal when designing mail and mobile ads.”
Our creative team spends time in and out of the office staying on top of the latest design and typography trends and newest technology.
We know to get the best results, we can’t be afraid to get our hands dirty.
–Majority Strategies