
Marquee Mail and Mobile.

Popular culture is just that. Popular. Whether you follow the ever-changing trends of the fashion world or the constant advancement…

Popular culture is just that.


Whether you follow the ever-changing trends of the fashion world or the constant advancement of technology, our society is addicted to finding the “next big thing.”

At Majority Strategies, we’re grounded in the basics that make mail and mobile advertising great but keep our finger on the pulse of today’s pop culture, too.

Our direct mail doesn’t get mixed in with the bills.

It doesn’t get tossed aside.

It stands out.

Our targeted mobile ads don’t get ignored.

They aren’t lost in the blur of ads popping up on the screen.

They make an impact.

Our team stays plugged in, routinely pulling ideas from the everyday that surrounds us all.

We might start with our favorite movie and end with a memorable piece of campaign mail.

The trick is creating a logical link between the initial idea and the final product.

The pop culture reference has to be instantly recognizable but altered in such a way that it delivers a clear message at first glance.

These classic movies and endearing characters hold a special place in our culture and the hearts of many voters.

You may not have seen some of these movies in years, but you know them.

Majority Strategies will make sure voters know you, too.

Email one of our political consultants today to get started on your voter contact mail and targeted mobile advertising plans.

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