You know you need to deliver your message to your targeted audience of voters. But how do you develop a winning message?
The Leesburg Grid is a simple and straightforward way to hone your messaging strategy and then stay on message.
A Closer Look at the Leesburg Grid
The Leesburg Grid is divided into four quadrants.
Quadrant 1 is dedicated to what you want your targeted audience to know about you.
Candidate A (You)
Private Sector Experience
Wife and Mother
Small Business Owner & Job Creator
Fresh Ideas
Quadrant 2 is where you establish the message you want your targeted audience to know about your opponent.
Candidate B (Your Opponent)
Career Politician
Tied to Special Interests
Status Quo
Record of Tax Hikes
Record of Job Losses
Quadrant 3 is for thinking through what your opponent will say about you.
No Political Experience
Quadrant 4 is for the positive messaging your opponent will want their targeted audience to know about them.
Record of Accomplishment
What to Look for
Once you’ve formed the basics of your message and what you anticipate your competitor or opponent’s message to be, you can now look for areas of contrast that will allow you to define yourself (before your opponent or competition does) and define your competition or opponent (before they define themselves.)
Outsider vs. Career Politician
Fresh Ideas vs Status Quo
Small Business Owner & Job Creator vs. Record of Job Losses
How to Deliver Your Message
You know the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” At Majority Strategies, we take an omni-channel approach to viewing targeted audiences and delivering your message across channels (print, digital, media) to ensure we deliver a targeted message with more precision and efficiency than anyone else in the industry.
- Print advertising and direct mail
- Website
- Social media content
- Social media advertising
- Digital advertising
- Mobile advertising
- Television
- Radio
Staying on Message
It makes sense that the stronger a memory, the longer one will recall it. That’s why staying on message is so important to any successful campaign or marketing plan. It takes time to burn in a message, and an omni-channel approach provides more bites at the apple to deliver a compelling, creative, and memorable message across mediums.
The Leesburg Grid provides the basics of how to develop your messaging strategy and stay on message. Data, analytics, polling, opposition and industry research, and historical analysis are all important components of creating a winning message.
Contact the Majority Strategies team today to get started developing and delivering your winning message.