When it comes to designing voter contact mail and mobile advertising, layout is often the secret weapon.
The right layout sends a strong message – without saying a word.
- What makes a busy parent stop to read a piece of voter contact mail before starting dinner?
- What catches a voter’s eye in a pile of junk mail, advertisements and catalogs?
In today’s #AskaDesigner, we asked the Majority Strategies creative team what makes a layout effective.
“No component of design is accidental.”
Everything is intentional and purposeful, from the size of the text to the placement of the headline. Even the white space on the page serves a purpose.
“I think in terms of a hierarchy, making sure that the most important information is the first thing the reader sees.”
Once opening their mailbox and sorting through the mail, a voter may give each piece of mail mere seconds before deciding to read, keep or toss.
We begin each voter contact mail piece with the idea that a voter doesn’t want to read it – and then we write and design it so they don’t want to miss it.
“You can’t think of each element separately because what matters is how they relate to each other. It’s like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together.”
We focus on the important points – the name, the tagline, the call to action – and compliment those elements with photography, both the candidate’s own and well-chosen stock.
“Mobile ads are essentially the same as print pieces, except on a much smaller canvas. We use eye-catching photos, colorful buttons and movement to capture a user’s attention.”
The “Click Here” button on a mobile ad is strategically placed near the bottom of the screen, enabling the user to easily reach it with their thumb.
That’s one way we ensure we get the clicks.
Remember, no layout component is accidental.